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Pothos 'Neon'

Regular price $14.95 USD
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An electrifying color variation on the standard Pothos. ‘Neon’ has all of the tough, reliable features houseplant lovers have come to expect from Pothos, but with glowing, neon-green foliage. Place where the vines can fall freely or trail along a shelf for the best effect. Looks great grown in containers and hanging baskets. A terrific plant for tall plant stands where the trailing foliage will create a cascade of foliage over time. 4" Pot


While pothos do well in a variety of light conditions and can even tolerate low light, moderate indoor light is ideal. Outdoors they can be grown in shade to partial shade. Wherever you decide to display your Pothos, just be sure to avoid direct sunlight. A highly variegated Pothos may lose its variegation when placed in low-light conditions. Since only the green parts of the leaves can make energy, the leaves will compensate for the lack of light by turning greener. Pale leaves that turn yellowish in color could indicate that your plant is getting too much light.