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House plant wholesale

Hoya Sweetheart Variegated 3"

Regular price $9.99 USD
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The Hoya Sweetheart Variegated commonly called the wax plant is a non-blooming houseplant with heart-shaped leaves. This Variegated version has a splash of yellow on the leaf. The vines are wood-like and the leaves are waxy. Native to tropical Asia, these plants do well in warm weather. This single-leaf offering is a very slow grower, but is also extremely hardy. Ideal as a novelty gift, it is more of an ornament than a needy houseplant. For the houseplant enthusiast, proper care and patience can be rewarded with a striking growth of multiple heart-shaped leaves on vines.


Hoya plants do best and bloom more often in very bright light. They are one of the few indoor plants that can handle direct sun. Although hoya plants can adapt to lower light, they will grow slower and not produce their fragrant waxy flowers that are so beautiful.